Formas regulares activas en todos los tiempos verbales (ejemplo ‘to talk’)

Todos los tiempos verbales en voz activa (verbo regular)

(Síntesis de las formas activas de ‘to talk’ en todos los tiempos)

Formas activas del verbo regular ‘to talk’ en todos los tiempos

El verbo ‘to talk’ (hablar) sirve como ejemplo de las formas verbales regulares en todos los tiempos verbales (tenses). Las tablas también destacan las formas particulares que difieren de las repetitivas. Para mayor claridad, las personas gramaticales se presentan de la siguiente manera:

Número gramatical Inglés Español
Singular 1 I
2 you
3 he, she, it
tú, usted
él, ella
Plural 1 we
2 you
3 they
vosotros, ustedes
ellos, ellas

Formas del presente

Tiempo verbal Persona y sujeto Simple Progresivo/continuo
Present 1 I
2 you
3 he, she, it
1 we
2 you
3 they
am talking
are talking
is talking
are talking
are talking
are talking
Present Perfect 1 I
2 you
3 he, she, it
1 we
2 you
3 they
have talked
have talked
has talked
have talked
have talked
have talked
have been talking
have been talking
has been talking
have been talking
have been talking
have been talking
  • Información: Las negaciones se forman con ‘don’t/doesn’t’ y el verbo en infinitivo (aquí ‘talk’).

Formas del pasado

Tiempo verbal Persona y sujeto Simple Progresivo/continuo
Past 1 I
2 you
3 he, she, it
1 we
2 you
3 they
talked was talking
were talking
was talking
were talking
were talking
were talking
Past Perfect 1 I
2 you
3 he, she, it
1 we
2 you
3 they
had talked had been talking
  • Información: Las negaciones se forman con ‘didn’t’ y el verbo en su forma infinitiva (aquí ‘talk’).

Formas del futuro

Tiempo verbal Persona y sujeto Simple Progresivo/continuo
Future (will) 1 I
2 you
3 he, she, it
1 we
2 you
3 they
will talk will be talking
Future (going to) 1 I
2 you
3 he, she, it
1 we
2 you
3 they
am going to talk
are going to talk
is going to talk
are going to talk
are going to talk
are going to talk
am going to be talking
are going to be talking
is going to be talking
are going to be talking
are going to be talking
are going to be talking
Future Perfect 1 I
2 you
3 he, she, it
1 we
2 you
3 they
will have talked will have been talking

Infinitivos e imperativos de ‘to talk’

El imperativo expresa órdenes y existe solo en la 2a persona del singular y del plural con sus formas concordantes:

Persona y sujeto Imperativo (afirmativo) Imperativo (negativo)
2 you
2 you
don’t talk
don’t talk

El infinitivo es la forma básica y, al igual que los participios (participles), puede aparecer en diferentes aspectos:

Forma del verbo (aspecto) Infinitivo Participio presente Participio pasado
Simple to talk talking talked
Progresivo to be talking
Perfect to have talked having talked
(Perfect Participle)
Perfect Progressive to have been talking having been talking